Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Facilitating the Discover Step - Lessons Learned

I applied the Discover step to the current elearning facilitaton workshop in order to collect data over the content alignment, the goals of the course, and the learner experience. There are revisions being made currently so the datasheets were incredibly useful to look at everything in a different manner and really pinpoint where changes need to occur.

I have the added benefit of seeing feedback from my learners in this environment. I looked at their comments and was able to use the datasheet and apply it from the student view. There are many things that can be enhanced in the course from both the design side and the facilitation side.

I really like the datasheet as it gives me a guiding lens to look at the course. It reminds me of the "brain dump" I use daily in that I'm able to write down everything I see but it has the added benefit of categorizing those items at the same time.

Lessons Learned - feedback is invaluable. Without my learner feedback, it may have been more difficult to really gain that student perspective. I have facilitated the course for several months and I feel at times that I'm too close to the content to look objectively at it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    I appreciate this reflections and I'm happy the Discover Datasheet is proving to be so useful. You are correct that is is a valuable lens for observing specific aspects of an environment and for organizing your thoughts.
