Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Client Empathy Discover Datasheet

For this assignment, I observed my colleague, Brett. His office is right next to mine so I talk with him daily. Though I typically see his office everyday, it was interesting to view it from a different perspective. His office is always clean and tidy. What I like about the office is that it's professional yet comfortable. There is art decorating the walls as well as family photos. He is a huge Dr. Who fan and there are a few Dr. Who items in his office that I've never noticed before until now.

Brett has created a space that is his own and shows off his personality but remains very professional.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    This is a good example of using the Discover Datasheet to collect information. You have identified the Discovery Type and Building Block, and have also provided good notes and visual documentation. Thanks for sharing this.
