Friday, August 5, 2016

My First Learning Environment Model

This model is from the first design cycle that I started using LEM. Once I was familiar with the symbols, it was very quick and easy to design this orientation module. The instructor I was working with was not sure what he wanted to do with the course so we started with just one module. Once we mapped out the orientation, he was quick to understand the process and really enjoyed mapping out the rest of the course.

For the orientation, the instructor really wanted to make sure that his students were reading the syllabus so we incorporated a syllabus quiz. He also wanted the students to begin connecting immediately and for him to start getting to know them as well so we included a welcome discussion.


  1. Thanks for sharing this great model. I liked how you talked about the dynamic process of creating and designing. Do you think this changed the way you approach working with others on designs? I tend to have a set of cards near by so I can use then as conversational supports too.

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Sarah.The design model is very clear, and I really enjoyed your reflection the ease of using LEM with an instructor. I would be interesting in hearing how you think practicing the language with another person is or is not evolving your own personal thinking about learning environments and effective instruction.​
